Netatmo Netatmo Smart Weather Station

  • Product 1: MEASUREMENT OF ENVIRONMENT TEMPERATURE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE IN REAL TIME: Temperature, Humidity, Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality, Noise Level Inside, Air Pressure
  • Product 1: WARNING IN REAL TIME: With our weather station you can configure indoor and outdoor warning messages, which you will then get on your smartphone. Thanks to the ventilation alarm, you always know when you need to ventilate
  • Product 1: Access your data via voice control from any place: you can view your weather data at any time. Use your smartphone, tablet, computer or voice. With Alexa, via Amazon Echo, and with Siri, thanks to the compatibility with the Apple HomeKit, voice control is possible
  • Product 1: Analysis of measured values: you get access to the measured values and can thus better understand weather changes via the analysis of graphics
  • Product 2: Protective cover for thermal or thermal hygrotransmitter
  • Product 2: With opening for sensor cable
  • Product 2: Protection from precipitation and direct sunlight
  • Product 2: Easy to assemble
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