Belkin WEMO Stage Scene Controller with Thread Smart Home Remote Control for Apple HomeKit Automation Bluetooth Controller for Smart Switch, Smart Home Lighting, Smart Home Products - Smart Light Switch

  • EASY SMART HOME CONTROL The Wemo Stage Scene Controller integrates exclusively with Apple HomeKit to control multiple smart bulbs, smart light switches, and other smart home gadgets with ease
  • THREAD BUILT - Threaded technology allows smart home products to connect faster and more reliably than ever before. The Wemo stage scene controller also supports Bluetooth if your device does not support thread
  • Multi Device Control With 3 different buttons, each with single, double and long click sensitivity, you can control up to 9 different devices or set them up to control your Apple HomeKit scenes and make smart home automation easy with just one click
  • EASY SETUP With Apple HomeKit and NFC, setting up the smart light switch is easy. Simply tap your unlocked iPhone on the smart switch and follow the instructions to control your smart home products in seconds
  • EASY INSTALLATION Wemo Stage Scene Controller mounts easily into a blank light switch bezel or can be used as a wireless light switch and handheld remote control
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